Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My 25 Things (as noted on Facebook)

1.) I absolutely love dead dandelions. Every time I see one I have to make a wish. This ritual dates back to the toddler years. Although they are arguably a weed, to me, they are the best of all flowers.

2.) There are certain things that will, inevitably, always make me laugh. Y2K is one of them. I find it hilarious how it was such a hype and then ... nothing.

3.) I have a folder with a hideous rocket-ship that a kid that I have no recollection of except that his name was Jeremy gave to me in the third grade. Though it has spent the majority of its life hidden under my bed, this folder contains little stories and poems that I considered my most sacred and top secret possessions for the majority of my childhood and adolescent years. 

4.) I cannot, will not, eat cooked carrots. True it sounds trivial, but they honestly make me gag. My dad offered me 10 dollars to eat one once. Honestly, I tried.

5.) I have a secret talent of spouting off random first and last names at lightening speed. This is compliments of my grandma who taught me a game called "Rolly Polley." In this game you bounce a ball in a chalk diagram of spaces, with each bounce you list something in the previously declared category. I had a knack for the name category.

6.) I find the line "Let me be your freedom" in "All I Ask Of You" from "Phantom of The Opera" haunting. 

7.) I am convinced I would have been kindred spirits with the Bronte sisters, particularly Charlotte.

8.) The first thing I ever baked by myself was an apple pie. I forgot the flour. The first thing I ever cooked solo was a delicious dish I created for Mother's Day. The entree consisted of room temperature berry yogurt with chunks of butter tossed in.

9.) Disregarding talent, If I could be anything -- my unrealistic pipe dream if you will -- is to be a fantastic singer. I'm talking Sarah Brighton, topnotch musical caliber. 

10.) Often times when I'm talking to people I punctuate in my head.

11.) I have the biggest crush on George Bailey from "It's A Wonderful Life" ... maybe it's just Jimmy Stewart in general. One of my favorite movie scenes is when he tells Mary he doesn't love her than they kiss. Turns out he does love her. Gets me every time.

12.) I think a lot; so much so that I have been told on multiple occasions that I think more than anyone the particular person who is telling me has ever known. I have also been told I am the most romantic person. I don't know if I agree, but I've learned to embrace it.

13.) Someday I really want to own a used bookstore, then I can sit on the top floor and write. The store will have lots of nooks, a staircase, window seat, a children's story hour, epic book quotes on small portions of the walls, and lots of dust. I also want to live in a house with a garden and a creaky wooden gate (kind of like Miss Honey's house in Matilda).

14.) Scotland and The Lake District are the two most beautiful places I have ever been. They are possibly the first two places that could not have been improved by imagination.

15.) I love thinking about femininity; especially the idea of feminine inner/outer beauty going right or terribly wrong. I am particularly fascinated with Eve and Helen of Troy.

16.) Growing up a hobby was sewing pillows. Yes Pillows. I would give them to teachers, treasured friends, and family members. Though I've grown out of this, the skills still dwell within.

17.) My favorite book of the Bible is Revelations. I also love the beginning of Genesis. I am pretty fascinated with where we came from and where we're going. Though I suppose the Gospel is the most pivotal point in there.

18.) I will go to ridiculous lengths to visit a new state, even if it's just driving in for five minutes (airports don't count). This method was done with both Mississippi and Arkansas. My goal is to see everything worth seeing, read everything worth reading, experience everything worth experiencing, before I run out of time. I know I'm only 21, but I tend to get very excited about life and very anxious to soak it all in.

19.) Growing up I idolized Liesel in "The Sound of Music." I thought 16 going on 17 was so wonderfully mature.

20.) When I get nervous I excessively apply Chapstick. 

21.) Here is goes: Disneyland, though fun, is just ok. I'm sorry, there's no "magic."

22.) Animal movies are usually the only movies that really make me cry. I get all chocked up every time I watch an animal family drama. It's embarrassing. I think it first began when I made a tearful scene at a showing of Lassie when I was about six. For this reason I try to avoid these movies, and refuse to watch "Old Yeller."

23.) I am extremely self competitive. Some may argue competitive. I'll admit, I do get pretty into board games ... 

24.) I don't really like TV. Unless it's shows on DVD. 

25.) The longest I've gone without showering is a week. I was backpacking. I don't know if that makes it more or less disgusting. 

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